That Pesky Goldfish Attention Span Myth

I think everyone who works in the research-to-practice area has a persistent myth that annoys them the most. Mine is unquestionably the goldfish attention span one. Here’s my pass at a video to address that (note: contains a shameless marketing plug): If you’d like to learn more about how to engage learners, check out our … Read more


So I’m putting together some slides for a meme-ignite-style session at DevLearn, and was reminded of some great resources on why we should view learning that “brain-based” or based on “neuroscience” with a healthy skepticism. First is Will Thalheimer’s well-researched post on this very topic: And the second is Danial Willingham’s excellent video on this … Read more

Brain as Prediction Machine

So I’m really interested right now in how the brain operates as a prediction machine. Basically, one of our core brain functions seems to be guessing what is going to happen next. I think this has some really fascinating implications for behavior change.  Humans are (in many ways) bad at risk prediction.  More people seem … Read more

Behavior Research Links

So, I was just talking to someone interesting in doing user research for behavior change, and I put together a set of links for her.  I thought it was a useful list, so also posting it here: This is a nice collection of resources about UX User Research, including a list of people to follow: … Read more

A Habit-based Approach to Racial Bias

We all carry around implicit bias. It’s embedded in the culture, and it’s hideously obvious that it can lead to horrible tragic results.   This is study that has really been influencing my thinking about a habit-based approach to behavior change. The results actually show reduction in people’s implicit racial bias. It’s remarkable and rare … Read more

I’m an Elephant!

Specifically, I’m a Neon Elephant: The Neon Elephant is an award from Dr. Will Thalheimer of Work-Learning Research, given for bridging the gap between research and learning practice. This is really delightful, given the company of previous awardees: 2014 – Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel for their book, Make it … Read more