Nerdy Shop Talk – xAPI

It’s baaaack. We took a summer break from Nerdy Shop Talk that lasted until December (yes, we know it hasn’t been summer for a while). Topic: xAPI…huh…what is it good for? xAPI (the specification formerly known as Tin Can) has been available for a while, but what can instructional designers actually *do* with it? If … Read more

That Pesky Goldfish Attention Span Myth

I think everyone who works in the research-to-practice area has a persistent myth that annoys them the most. Mine is unquestionably the goldfish attention span one. Here’s my pass at a video to address that (note: contains a shameless marketing plug): If you’d like to learn more about how to engage learners, check out our … Read more

Toolbar Podcast #9: Usability. Don’t Be a Moron.

The Toolbar is a podcast by Brian Dusablon and Judy Unrein that involves talking about the tools that e-learning practitioners use (and also beer). It’s just the kind of satisfying shoptalk that usually only happens at professional conferences or the like. I got to be a guest on this week’s episode, talking about things like … Read more