Check out my May virtual workshop: Learning Design for Behavior Change

Learning Experience Digest (Come Play)

When I initially got interested in neuroscience and cognitive psychology (4-5 years ago), I was poking around the interwebs, finding articles and whatnot.  Some useful, some not, but pretty much all secondary sources.  And, let’s face it, primary sources were beyond me — at the time I could no more have picked up and understood … Read more

Why are people so dumb? (Cognitive Biases)

Bob Sutton (author of the excellent Hard Facts on evidence-based management, and other books) has had a few great posts recently on intuition, self-knowledge and cognitive bias (among other things): In Flawed Self-Evaluations he talks about people’s tendencies to overestimate their own knowledge or skill, and that the less they know about an area, the more … Read more

Five Fav Research Studies

I’ve got (several!) longer blog posts in the works, but here’s a quickie in the mean time. There are a couple of research studies that I find myself telling people about fairly often (and I’m not the only one — most of them have been written about other places), so I thought I would compile … Read more