A little ChatGPT Adventure – Create an ID Curriculum

So a few weeks ago, someone posted a link to this video to one of my email lists. It’s from a youtuber who is using ChatGPT to learn things, and they had a series of prompts they shared to create a curriculum for learning to code in Python. It sounded downright amazing and magical. But … Read more

Design Better Learning

I’m delighted to announce the first course in my new project — Design Better Learning. It’s an online course library to help people learn to create better learning experiences. The first course available is Sticky Learning – Learning Design for Attention and Engagement! It’s a self-study course for instructional designers and anyone designing learning experiences. … Read more

Nerdy Shop Talk Videocast

So it’s been pretty quiet here on the blog, but that’s because we have been hard at work on several different things. One of them is HAPPENING this Thursday March 14th at 2PM ET/11AM PT Tracy Parish and I are starting a new videocast series in conjunction with the Elearning Guild, called Nerdy Shop Talk. Like … Read more

New Book: Play to Learn!

I got a present in my mailbox today — it was the paper copy of Sharon Boller and Karl Kapp’s new book, Play to Learn! I’d already agreed to be a stop on their Blog Book Tour, but it’s lovely to have the hard copy in hand. They based the book on the workshop that Karl … Read more

Talking about Feedback and Habits

Have participated in a few podcasts lately: The Disruption Debate podcast, talking about feedback and why it matters, and how to get more feedback into learning systems: https://www.totaralms.com/blog/disruption-debate-julie-dirksen-why-feedback-matters The Learning Circle podcast, talking about digital habits and how to encourage good habit formation: http://www.dau.mil/learningcircle/default.aspx There are a few more coming up soon, including an interview with Learning … Read more