
So I’m putting together some slides for a meme-ignite-style session at DevLearn, and was reminded of some great resources on why we should view learning that “brain-based” or based on “neuroscience” with a healthy skepticism.

First is Will Thalheimer’s well-researched post on this very topic:

Will Thalheimer's Post on Brain-based Learning

And the second is Danial Willingham’s excellent video on this topic:



2 thoughts on “Brainzzzzzzz”

  1. Did anyone share the slides from the meme session at DevLearn? I was sad to miss it, but I would love to see some of them.

    I loved your AR/VR for Behavior Change session, by the way. We are already creating tasks in our backlog to implement those concepts!

  2. Response to Brainzzzzzzz

    When I began learning about the brain-based and neuroscience learning in my class this week, I was unsure what to make of it. First off, I was on information overload. After thinking it over, I believe I understand what my teacher and you are trying to get across. Please correct me if I am wrong because I really want to make sense of this topic. At the moment, the so-called brain education is not where it claims to be because neuroscience is still working to generate the appropriate data and information needed to link the neuroscience side to the behavioral side to use the findings to improve education. Some have been successful at being able to link the two with proper data, but the majority are just taking advantage of the fad. Daniel Willingham suggests not wasting money on the brain-based because they are born out of false assumptions (Willingham, 2008). If a person follows, brain-based learning, how would you suggest they find the little accurate information that is out there that follows the correct data and research path?
    Willingham, J. (2008, June 4). Brain based education: Fad or breakthrough–high quality [Video file]. Retrieved from


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