The Pesky Challenge of Evaluating AI Outputs

One of the things that has bothered me since the beginning of the AI conversation is that most of the discussions of using AI or LLM outputs contains some phrase to the importance of “evaluating the output to make sure it’s correct” or something along those lines.  Pretty much any responsible writing about AI contains … Read more

Complex Skill Development

Hey folks, I’ve long thought that the instructional design toolbox is more focused on knowledge and procedural learning, and has less specifics to offer for complex skill development. I’m working on parsing some guidelines based on types of skills and problem context. This is a talk that I’ve done at a few of the elearning … Read more

A Habit-based Approach to Racial Bias

We all carry around implicit bias. It’s embedded in the culture, and it’s hideously obvious that it can lead to horrible tragic results.   This is study that has really been influencing my thinking about a habit-based approach to behavior change. The results actually show reduction in people’s implicit racial bias. It’s remarkable and rare … Read more

Complexity and Learning

I’m kind of obsessing about complexity theory right now (Dave Snowden’s Cynefin Model mostly), and looking at simple, complicated and complex systems. I had a lot of conversations about this last weekend, and have been thinking about it a lot. A couple of upfront disclaimers — first, I’m just learning about this, so I don’t … Read more