Nerdy Shop Talk – xAPI

It’s baaaack. We took a summer break from Nerdy Shop Talk that lasted until December (yes, we know it hasn’t been summer for a while). Topic: xAPI…huh…what is it good for? xAPI (the specification formerly known as Tin Can) has been available for a while, but what can instructional designers actually *do* with it? If … Read more

Upcoming Events

Hey folks, So it’s a little dusty around here, but I do actually have some plans for doing a little blogging in future. In the mean time, feel free to join the conversation in the Design for How People Learn Facebook group.  Loads of smart people talking about interesting things there: Also thought I … Read more

Talking about Feedback and Habits

Have participated in a few podcasts lately: The Disruption Debate podcast, talking about feedback and why it matters, and how to get more feedback into learning systems: The Learning Circle podcast, talking about digital habits and how to encourage good habit formation: There are a few more coming up soon, including an interview with Learning … Read more

Narrative Strategies for Learning

Had a lovely time at the Learning Solutions Conference last week.  Did a full day pre-con on Gameful Learning Design with Rick Raymer, which was a lot of fun. I also did a session on Narrative Techniques for Learning.  When I was working on Design For How People Learn, I listened a lot to a … Read more