Why are people so dumb? (Cognitive Biases)

Bob Sutton (author of the excellent Hard Facts on evidence-based management, and other books) has had a few great posts recently on intuition, self-knowledge and cognitive bias (among other things): In Flawed Self-Evaluations he talks about people’s tendencies to overestimate their own knowledge or skill, and that the less they know about an area, the more … Read more

How CarTalk can save your e-Learning

So a recent twitter lrnchat was about working with SMEs (Subject Matter Experts), and here are some of the responses to the first question “Q1) What are the challenges working with subject matter experts?”: JaneBozarth: Q1: Helping them focus on critical/must know, not everything-there-is-to-know philharriman_ek: Q1 SMEs can be so deep into their subject that it … Read more

Daniel Pink and Framing the Task

So I finally got around to listening to the Daniel Pink TED talk on Motivation — it had been lingering in my google reader for a while.  I had the same reaction that I’ve had to Daniel Pink in the past, which is that he starts strong, but gets soft as he goes along (I’m … Read more

ADDIE and Crankiness

eLearning Roadtrip posted a really interesting question here: What is it about ADDIE that makes people so cranky? <snip> following last night’s #Lrnchat,  I found myself getting a little cranky listening to others getting cranky and taking potshots at our venerable old instructional design process model, ADDIE, for…well, I’m not sure for what or why, … Read more