Talking about Feedback and Habits

Have participated in a few podcasts lately: The Disruption Debate podcast, talking about feedback and why it matters, and how to get more feedback into learning systems: The Learning Circle podcast, talking about digital habits and how to encourage good habit formation: There are a few more coming up soon, including an interview with Learning … Read more

Behavior Research Links

So, I was just talking to someone interesting in doing user research for behavior change, and I put together a set of links for her.  I thought it was a useful list, so also posting it here: This is a nice collection of resources about UX User Research, including a list of people to follow: … Read more

A Habit-based Approach to Racial Bias

We all carry around implicit bias. It’s embedded in the culture, and it’s hideously obvious that it can lead to horrible tragic results.   This is study that has really been influencing my thinking about a habit-based approach to behavior change. The results actually show reduction in people’s implicit racial bias. It’s remarkable and rare … Read more

Book Giveaway and Other News

Hey folks, So Bryan Jones at did a very fun interview with me for his blog.  In conjunction with the interview, he’s giving away five copies of Design For How People Learn! is a nifty resource for creating scenario based learning, and much easier than combing the stock photo sites for multiple pictures of … Read more

Complexity and Learning

I’m kind of obsessing about complexity theory right now (Dave Snowden’s Cynefin Model mostly), and looking at simple, complicated and complex systems. I had a lot of conversations about this last weekend, and have been thinking about it a lot. A couple of upfront disclaimers — first, I’m just learning about this, so I don’t … Read more

Design For How People Learn, Second Edition

Hey Folks — the second edition of Design For How People Learn is now out! It came out right before the end of the year.  I’ll be updating the website this week. Design for How People Learn, 2nd Edition What’s different? The first edition content is still mostly there.  I expanded on a few points … Read more