Virtual Chainsaws (When it’s not a knowledge problem)

Just wrote a piece for the Research for Practitioners series over at Learning Solutions Magazine on some really fascinating research at the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab.  It’s crazy interesting research, and it involves virtual chainsaws, behavior change and crafty research techniques. What’s not to love in that? Go check it out here: Research for … Read more

Ridiculously Smart Stuff on Behavior Change

So I’ve probably mentioned in the past that Sebastian Deterding is one of my professional crushes.  I’ll try not to gush excessively, but he’s really smart. Here’s his latest slideshare on research for behavioral change, and it’s fantastic stuff: The MAO Model: Research for Behavior Change.[slideshare id=11395554&w=425&h=355&sc=no] View more presentations from Sebastian Deterding He’s got … Read more