Is learner motivation your responsibility?

Just had this quick interchange with Patti Shank on twitter: This is a totally fair comment on Patti’s part — you can’t force someone to be motivated (and undoubtedly some of our disagreement stems from semantics – not that THAT ever happens on twitter).  A lot of the conversation around gamification (for a heated throw … Read more

Why “Clear and Easy to Understand” can be bad

So, as an instructional designer, part of my job is to make things clear and easy to understand, right? Well, it turns out that’s not necessarily the best option. Cathy Moore just put up a blog post that has her checklist for evaluating your own e-Learning design.  You rate where your learning falls on a … Read more

Where do you get new ideas?

Design inspiration can sometimes be in short supply in Instructional Design, so it can be really helpful to get inspiration from other fields (lots more to say about the shortage of design in ID, but that’s a rant for another day). I’ve already waxed rhapsodic about being inspired by game design with sites like gamasutra … Read more

ID Webcomic #4 – What’s the route like?

So there have been a few hundred folks coming to the blog the last couple of days for the last ID Webcomic I did, and I realized it’d been over a year since I did one of these (Btw – Hi to all the new visitors <waves>.  Delighted to see you.  What brought you all … Read more

I can put on this tiara, but it won’t make me Wonder Woman (Gameification)

So, one of the biggest issues with games for learning, is that there’s this weird logic out there: Um…no, not necessarily… As I allude in the title of this post, I can put on the Wonder Woman costume, but that doesn’t mean I can deflect bullets: (Lest this sound preachy, be assured I have fallen … Read more