Decision Fatigue

Check out this fantastic article on decision fatigue in the New York Times.  It addresses a lot of things I’ve been interested in lately, like blood sugar levels and self-control. I think this is a really useful topic for learning folks to be aware of, because we frequently ask our learners to exert self-control to … Read more

Why “Clear and Easy to Understand” can be bad

So, as an instructional designer, part of my job is to make things clear and easy to understand, right? Well, it turns out that’s not necessarily the best option. Cathy Moore just put up a blog post that has her checklist for evaluating your own e-Learning design.  You rate where your learning falls on a … Read more

Do we learn from failure – or – How Monkey are You?

Okay — I really, really, really like  It populates my google reader with all sorts of nifty brain related research, keeps me up to date on interesting new stuff, and provides nice, tidy references to the articles, which I have many time searched as an extended index to my own memory (“I know there … Read more