Why Feedback in Games is Different

I did a short guest post on the blog of the LEEF Conference on why game feedback is different from feedback in learning.  You can see it here: http://leefblog.com/2010/03/learning-games-and-sims-all-about-the-feedback/ The LEEF (Learning and Entertainment Evolution Forum) Conference is shaping up to be pretty interesting, too: http://www.harrisburgu.edu/LEEF2010/index.php

Gameify the Future

There are about three different planned blog posts that I won’t need to write because you can just watch this video instead*. Jesse Schell** talks about the way that games will interact with the real world and how that can change our behavior [about 30 min, but riveting].  So much potential here (good and bad). … Read more

Why are people so dumb? (Cognitive Biases)

Bob Sutton (author of the excellent Hard Facts on evidence-based management, and other books) has had a few great posts recently on intuition, self-knowledge and cognitive bias (among other things): In Flawed Self-Evaluations he talks about people’s tendencies to overestimate their own knowledge or skill, and that the less they know about an area, the more … Read more

Nerdiest Halloween Costume Ever?

Need a Halloween costume in less than 5 minutes?  Go as a Whiteboard!  Follow the instructions below: Get a white t-shirt and markers Draw stuff like this on the t-shirt Put it on Bonus step: Leave the back blank, take markers with you, and make it interactive. Happy Halloween, folks.

Daniel Pink and Framing the Task

So I finally got around to listening to the Daniel Pink TED talk on Motivation — it had been lingering in my google reader for a while.  I had the same reaction that I’ve had to Daniel Pink in the past, which is that he starts strong, but gets soft as he goes along (I’m … Read more