ADDIE and Crankiness

eLearning Roadtrip posted a really interesting question here: What is it about ADDIE that makes people so cranky? <snip> following last night’s #Lrnchat,  I found myself getting a little cranky listening to others getting cranky and taking potshots at our venerable old instructional design process model, ADDIE, for…well, I’m not sure for what or why, … Read more

Nifty Serious Game

So a small-ish study came out a little while ago that said that texting while driving was very, very dangerous. Shocking. But apparently a real occurence in the world.  So, what needs to happen to change that behavior? I would guess that there are a couple of attitudes at play: I know it’s a bad … Read more

It’s a Process, not an Event…

I really like this idea of using email as a tool for orienting new employees: When I was doing e-Learning consulting, new hire orientation projects always made me nuts.  Basically, there were no behavioral objectives, and it was always tempting to firehose the information.   Just like you aren’t going to remember the names … Read more