Hey folks – apologies for the sadly neglected blog — I’m actually home for a WHOLE MONTH, which makes the prospect of new blog posts muuuuch more likely.
This is just quick note to mention that the Good Practice folks (http://goodpractice.com) are using Design For How People Learn for their inaugural book club, which is very cool on their part — they’ll be blogging and tweeting so other people can join in on the conversation:
“So on Friday 29th June the GoodPractice team will get together to discuss the first two chapters of Design for How People Learn. If you’d like to join in (and we hope you will) the discussion will continue online via this blog and the Twitter hashtag #gpbookclub. In the meantime, grab yourself a copy of the book (it’s available for the Kindle and iPad, as well as in hard copy), read the first two chapters ‘How Do We Start?’ and ‘Who Are Your Learners?’ and I’ll see you here next week.”
And I need to remember your awesome “brain is like a closet” graphic to include in my mtt2k contest entry! (It’s a contest to critique videos from the Khan Academy, and oy, vey! the man should have consulted you!)
Let me know when you post your MTT2K video! Have been following that whole thing a bit, and definitely want to see your entry
It’s up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17aDeIvY1MM Now I can go back to figuring out how to use the technology to make math make more sense. There is a certain value in “arbitrary assignments” like this. I got to practice using the software and making mistakes on something I didn’t *need…*