Love these: Mental Notes

So, still need a gift for the design geek on your holiday shopping list?*

I’ve mentioned Stephen Anderson before (I’m a big ol’ fan), but I particularly love his Mental Notes cards, which cover dozens of psychology principles that impact how we design. Need to jump start your design process?  Pull a few cards out the deck, and talk about how you can incorporate those ideas.


You can order them here:

I particularly mention it now because (aside from the fact that these are awesome) Stephen is donating half the proceeds right now.

* Yes, I know it’s a little late to order holiday presents (story of my life), but you can print some sample cards to use a placeholder gift until the real ones arrive.

3 thoughts on “Love these: Mental Notes”

  1. Great resource! I’m new to the field and in my infancy of learning about the sector I am so interested in. These cards will be a life saver as my current process for developing training material is more along the lines of a haphazard fall off a cliff in which I just happen to land in a fine assortment of jello. ( : My knowledge base is piecemeal as I have just effectively identified which learning theories I evoke when I’m developing. My classmate recommended your blog and I will most definitely follow. Now, let’s get your book!


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