Hey folks, I hope everyone is having a spectacular summer (or lovely winter if you are southern hemisphere-ish). There’s a lot of different things coming up in the next few months, so I thought I would mention them here:
Next week, I’m doing a keynote for the Atlanta ATD Chapter’s Annual Conference. I’m also doing on a 1-day post conference workshop. There are three spots left for the workshop. I’m looking forward to it — it will be a chance to pull out my toolbox of best instructional design tools. It’s also a bargain at $149
I’m doing an online UX Essentials class for ATD this year, and the next session is September 16th. The Essentials series are a good beginner exposure to a topic, and these are a lot of fun.
I’m really excited about the 1-day workshop on Behavior Change at DevLearn (September 29) this year — I do talks on this topic quite a bit, but this is the first time that I’ve corralled everything into one place for a workshop format. I’m really looking forward to it.
I’m also doing an Instructional Design basics workshop at the Online Learning Conference in Denver on October 5-6.
I’m working on a second edition of the book! I’m adding chapters on habit formation, social and informal learning, and evaluation, and expanding the motivation and environment chapters. Also fixing a few pesky typos: