Workshop: Analyzing for Instructional Strategies

Use a diagnostic frame to analyze learner needs and develop more effective instructional strategies and resources.

Good learning experiences are not just about transmitting information. An effective approach to learning design should focus on how our learners will apply that knowledge. We need to be able to analyze the types of skills and competencies our learners need in a structured way so we can match our learning strategies to those needs.

A successful learning & development effort should also support learner motivation and performance in blended solutions. This can include performance support, social learning, and embedded resources.

This session will teach you to use a diagnostic framework to identify what is needed for a particular learning experience, and match those needs to appropriate strategies for:

  • Acquisition and use of Knowledge
  • Proficiency at a Procedure
  • Mastery of a Skill
  • Formation of a habit
  • Development of Motivation
  • Creation of an Environment that supports the desired behavior

Who is it for?

This workshop can be tailored to a more experience audience, but it can also be structured for a beginner level instructional designer, or a non-ID content expert.

What does it include?

  • A refresher on writing effective performance objectives 
  • A diagnostic framework for understanding learning challenges based on the following categories of learning need. 
  • Workshop activities on identifying their challenges, designing solutions, and matching those learning experiences to the best format or media.   
  • Creative brainstorming activities around specific client Learning Challenges 

What is the format/schedule?

  • Full day in-person workshop 
  • Two virtual sessions (3.5 hours each)  

A concise version of this workshop can be delivered as a half-day in person, or single 3.5 hour virtual session.

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