Here’s the list of books that I frequently recommend during instructional design workshops:
Blogs et al
- Cathy Moore — her blog and The Elearning Blueprint
- Tom Kuhlmann’s Rapid Elearning Blog and Articulate’s Elearning Heroes Community
- Connie Malamed’s Elearning Coach Website
- Dan Meyer on Math, Being Less Helpful, and how to teach problem solving
- Bryan Chapman’s How Long Does It Take To Create Learning presentation?
- Stephen Anderson’s presentations Stop Doing What You Are Told and From Paths to Sandboxes
- Anything Sebastian Deterding says about Gamification
- and (though the 508 folks could use some help from the usability folks)
Research-based Resources
- Ruth Clark’s Elearning and the Science of Instruction
- Will Thalheimer’s Research Reports
- Art Kohn’s 2+2+2 method in Learning Solutions Magazine
- The Research for Practitioners Series at Learning Solutions
- Science Daily’s Mind & Brain feed
- 3-Star Learning Experiences
Behavioral Economics
- Nudge
- Predictably Irrational
- Thinking Fast and Slow
- Daniel Kahneman and Nassim Taleb discussing Anti-fragility
- John Medina’s Brain Rules
- Daniel Pink’s Drive
- James Paul Gee’s What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy
- Jesse Schell’s Art of Game Design
- Steve Krug’s Don’t Make Me Think
- Reuben Tozmans’ Learning On Demand
- Chad Udell’s Learning Everywhere
- Kristina Halvorson’s Content Strategy for the Web
- Roy Baumeister’s Willpower
- David Rock’s Your Brain At Work
- Alfie Kohn’s Punished By Rewards
- Everett Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s Flow
- Jane Bozarth’s Show Your Work
- Peter Brown et al’s Make It Stick
- Jonathan Haidt’s Happiness Hypothesis
- Robert Brinkerhoff’s Success Case Model
- Amy Jo Kim’s Community Building for the Web
- Joshua Foer’s Moonwalking With Einstein
- Atul Gawande’s Better and The Checklist Manifesto
- The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman
- Performance-Focused Smile Sheets by Will Thalheimer
Anything by Kathy Sierra
- Creating Passionate Users Blog
- Excellent Podcasts on Motivation, Self-Determination Theory and Behaviorism
- Building The Minimum Badass User Presentation
- The Head First Formula
- Badass: Making Users Awesome
- Inclusive Learning Survey
- Design for All Learners Ed. Sarah Mercier
- Designing Accessible Learning Content: A Practical Guide to Applying best-practice Accessibility Standards by Susi Miller