Julie’s Media Kit

All these materials are available on dropbox here.

Download a PDF version of Julie’s bio, along with a high-resolution profile photo.

Social Media Links include:

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliedirksen/

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/designforhowpeoplelearn

Julie’s online course: https://designbetterlearning.com/

Julie’s current virtual workshop listings (Feb-May 2024): https://usablelearning.com/2024/01/17/new-workshops/

Design for How People Learn. 2nd Edition.
New Riders (2016). ​

ISBN-10: 0-13-421128-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-421128-2​

Design for How People Learn is an invaluable introduction for anyone involved in creating learning materials, whether it be educators, instructional designers, or subject matter experts.​

Design For How People Learn Cover

Download an image of the book cover.​

Talk to the Elephant: Designing Learning for Behavior Change.
New Riders (2023).​

ISBN: 0138073686​
ISBN-13: 978-0138073688​

Talk to the Elephant: Design Learning for Behavior Change is a guide for learning designers on how to use principles from behavioral science to create more effective learning experiences for behavior change.

Talk to the Elephant Book Cover showing a brain with an elephant inside

Download an image of the book cover.​